Author Guidelines

International Journal of Acta Material accepting a manuscripts submitted may be Original Research Articles, Review Articles, and Short Communication, must be original and not published or submitted for publication elsewhere. 

1. General Author Guidelines

The manuscript must be submitted to the Editorial of Int. J. Act. Mat. via online: The author can register as an author and/or as a Reviewer. If the author has a problem with the online delivery, please contact Editor in Chief or Handling Editor: or WhatsApp's (text only): 081343001979

2. Template

The manuscript must be prepared in accordance with the following author's guidelines in the MS Word article template (download the MS Word article template here).

3. Review of Manuscripts

The paper submitted by author will be reviewed independently by at least two peer reviewers. Decisions for publication, amendments, or rejections are based on their reports/recommendations. If both reviewers consider the text unsuitable for publication in this journal, a statement explaining the basis of the decision will be sent to the author within three months of the date of delivery. 

4. Revision of Manuscripts

Manuscripts that have received a review from the reviewer will be sent back to the author for revisions must be immediately returned to the editor. The revised manuscript can be sent via the author's account. Revised manuscripts returned more than three months will be considered as new submissions.

 5. Guidelines for Online Entry

If the authors has never submitted an article into the Int. J. Act. Mat., you should be must register first at Authors must fill in the form as detailed as possible where the starred form must be filled out . After doing the submission step, the author will get a confirmation email about the submission. Therefore, authors can track their submission status at any time by entering the online submission interface.

6. Guidelines for drafting manuscripts

a. General Paper Organization

All papers that have gone through the peer-review process will be published by the Editorial Office after being decided by the Editor. The final paper layout will be reproduced by the  Editorial Office  Int. J. Act. Mat. The final paper layout in PDF type will be published the first time in Article in Press so that there is still an opportunity for the author to provide corrections. 

b. Article Writing

Overall the article must consist of. Title, author's name, author's address, correspondence (email), abstract, Introduction, Methodology (Materials, Tools and Work Procedures), Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgments (if any), References. The full example can be downloaded: Template.

 In detail the font size of letters is as follows:

- Title  (Arial with 12 pts, no more than 20 words)

- Author (Arial with 11 pts, all author and complete name, Please don't  abbreviation)

- Address (Arial with 10 pts, Name address, city, Nation, Post code

- email (Arial with 10 pts, please use active email for correspondence)

- Abstract (Arial with 10 pts, No more than 200 words)

- Keyword (Arial with 10 pts, five words)

- Contents of manuscript (Arial with pts 11 pts)

 C. Tables and Figures

The table name and sequence number are placed above the table (Example: Table 1. Cross results). The letter for the table title must be 11 pts. If the table in the table is referenced in text with table numbers. for example: Table 1. The tables displayed are only horizontal lines that must be shown in the table. The name of the table is written at the top of the table with a central position

To insert an image, the user must pay attention to the image used has a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and can be read clearly. The name of the image is written at the bottom of the image with a centered position (Example: Figure 1. Crossing of grapes). 

B. Equation

Equations must be numbered in parentheses as shown in Equation (1). Equations must be prepared using the MS Equation Editor (not in the image format). Equation numbers must be placed on the extreme right side.

C. Units, Abbreviations, and Symbols

The author must specify abbreviations and symbols when first introduced in the text.

D. Letters, and Spaces

Manuscripts must be typed in Microsoft Word or Open Office. The font used on all papers is Arial. The paper size is A4 (eg, 210 x 297 mm), in two-column format according to the template. The page number must be entered in the text located in the footer section of each page. 

1. Title of the paper

The title of the paper made must be accurate, not ambiguous, specific, and complete. Do not contain abbreviations that are rarely used (maximum 20 words).

2. Author and Affiliate Name

The name of the author without a position and professional position such as Prof., Dr, etc. If the author's name is too long an abbreviation can be used. Write clear affiliations from all Authors. Affiliation includes the name of the department/unit, (faculty), university name, address, city, post code, country. Please show the corresponding author by adding an asterisk (*) in the superscript behind the name.

3. Abstract and keywords

Abstracts should be concise, clear, and specific and provide information to the reader on what is done and display the findings obtained. Please avoid using ordinary words and terms. Keywords are words that make it easier for other readers or search engines to track your writing. Keywords must represent the words you write in the abstract. Each keyword in a keyword must be separated by commas (,), not semicolons (;). The number of abstract is no more than 200 words and the keywords allowed is 5 words.

4. Introduction

In the introduction, the author must provide the background that underlies the research carried out, using relevant literature, giving an overview of the results of the research that has been obtained previously, limitations made by previous research, what should be done. You hope to achieve (to overcome the limitations) that the previous researcher has done, and show the scientific merits or new things of this paper. The author must state the purpose of the work at the end of the introduction.

5. Materials and Methods

The method must be able to make the reader reproduce your research. Show in detail to allow the work to be reproduced. The published method must be referenced by reference: the modified part must be explained. It is hoped that it will not start the methods that already exist in detail.

6. Results and discussion

Results and discussion should display the findings obtained (scientific) in a compact form. The results displayed must be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Give a review of the results obtained with other findings by providing references that really become references and relevant. In this section, it is important to display original data so that it can become a reference for researchers who read and want to continue/develop similar research. Parts that should be discussed in the results and discussion: The results obtained are related to the introduction of what is the initial purpose of the research you are doing? Give an interpretation of each outcome obtained by using a supportive reference. Provide an explanation of the consistency between the results you get and the results of other researchers. 

7. Conclusion

In conclusion, you must provide answers to the research objectives. Make a summary of the results that have been obtained (do not need a reference). Conclusions must be concise and clear so that reviewers and readers will be easier to understand the work, as well as easily declare eligibility articles published in this journal. Do not give conclusions that display data in table form. It is hoped that there is clear scientific justification from your work, as well as the possibility for its development in the future. 

8. Acknowledgement

Give thanks to parties or individuals (financial support, people who help analyze and process your data/samples) who assist in research, especially funding supporters of your research. Do not express gratitude to the parties directly related to your research. 

9. References

The number of references used is a minimum of 15 articles. The references used as a bibliography must use the latest bibliography (75% less than the last 5 years). Reference citations should use the tools available in the online reference in recommendation Tools like Zotero, Mendeley, and Endnote.

All publications cited in the text must be included as reference references. References are sorted alphabetically. Please ensure that each reference quoted in the text is also in the reference list (and vice versa). The results of oral communication so that it is not included in the reference. If references are not published such as Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation, the source must be written (Thesis, Thesis, or Dissertation) but it is advisable to use references from sources that can be searched online. If the reference used is "in the press" (received for publication) then the reference must include a minimum URL, or if it is known (DOI, author's name, the date must be given. Web references can be listed by writing the author's name, year, title, URL address, and date of access References are published at least less than the last 10 years Overall references can come from primary sources (Thesis, Thesis, and Dissertation) or research articles in scientific journals and/or magazines if possible articles from our journals can be used as the reference i. the number of references from the Theses and Dissertations should be no more than three (3) references if it is possible. List of reference drawn up as a way of writing the reference. for an article from the journal name used commonly used for the journal.

9.a How to write the reference

The reference style used according to the APA (American Psychological Association) 6th edition. It is highly recommended to use the reference manager to organize the references such as Zotero, Mendeley or Endnote.

The APA 6th Style can be found here:


Endnote Thomson Reuters:


In-text citations

Two authors:  Sutapa and Hadi (2010) reported...


The use of chitosan as supporting material has been studied (Sutapa & Hadi, 2010)

Three to five authors

First cite

Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow (2013) explained...


(Kernis, Cornell, Sun, Berry, & Harlow, 2013)

Next cite

Kernis et al. (1993) argued...


(Kernis et al., 1993)

More than five authors

Fatoni et al. (2014) reported...


(Fatoni et al., 2001)

Two or more reference in one sentence

(Berndt, 2012; Harlow, 2010)

Two or more references, In the case of family names, are the same, use initial of the first name

(E. Johnson, 2011; L. Johnson, 2008)

List of references


Koolman, J., & Rahm, K. H. (2005). Color atlas of biochemistry. Stuttgart; New York: Thieme.

Journal Article

Fatoni, A., Numnuam, A., Kanatharana, P., Limbut, W., Thammakhet, C., & Thavarungkul, P. (2013). A highly stable oxygen-independent glucose biosensor based on a chitosan-albumin cryogel incorporated with carbon nanotubes and ferrocene. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 185, 725-734.

Conference Proceeding

Fatoni, A., Dwiasi, D. W., & Hermawan, D. (2016). Alginate cryogel based glucose biosensor. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 107, No. 1, p. 012010). IOP Publishing.


The author has granted the copyright to International Journal of Acta Material to reproduce and submit articles in all forms and media, including reprints, photographs, microfilm, and other similar reproductions, and translations. Reproduce any part of this journal, its storage in the database, and its transmission by all forms of media, such as electronic, electrostatic, and mechanical copies, copying, recording, and magnetic media are permitted to include articles (author's name, year, title and journal name). Editors Board International Journal of Acta Material will ensure that there is no data, or false statement is misleading or will cause polemics published in this journal.


The editor of the International Journal of Acta Material keeping the identity entered on this journal site confidential and used only for the purpose of this journal and will not be given for other purposes or to other parties without agreement with the author.

12. Article Processing Charge

The International Journal of Acta Material is published under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). It supports the scientific community and the general public to get unlimited, free, and direct access to scientific articles. To be able to present with this license, we charge article loading fees (APC) to authors to support editorial activities, article production, and indexing.

Int. J. Act. Mat. have commitment to supports the scientific community and the general public to get unlimited, free, and direct access to scientific articles. To be able to present with this license, we charge article loading fees to authors to support editorial activities, article production, and indexing. The Article Processing Charge (APC) is IDR (Rp.) 300,000 or US($) 20.00 to be paid after the submitted articles are accepted and ready to publish. The submission and review process is free of charge. Indo. J. Chem. Res. waiving the Processing Fee Article (APC) for non-Indonesian authors.