Focus and Scope

The International Journal of Acta Material (Int. J. Act. Mat) is a bulletin for publishing original and complete papers, short communications as well as review results which aim to disseminate study results (Theoretical or Experiment) to explore of the relationship between processes, structures and properties of solid and liquid materials. The papers that have the potential for high impact and/or substantially advance the field will be sought. The process studied includes a series of material formation/manufacturing which will be achieved with the instrumentation used. The structure includes the arrangement of atoms and molecules, chemical and electronic structures, as well as macro, micro and nano structures. The emphasis is on the mechanical or functional behavior of materials at all scales. The study of material properties includes analysis results obtained using instruments that can provide an in-depth understanding of the material produced. The following aspects of the science and engineering of materials are frontier experiments and theory as they relate to the understanding of the properties, Elucidation of the mechanisms involved in the synthesis and processing of materials specifically as they relate to the understanding of the properties, and characterization of the structure, physical and chemistry of materials to the understanding of the properties. The journal's Editors Team has the authority to invite special articles and reviews from authors who possess expertise in specific fields, ensuring that the latest developments in various areas of chemical research are covered. Int. J. Act. Mat is its commitment to being an international platform, open to contributions from researchers across the globe. This inclusivity promotes the sharing of knowledge and collaboration among scientists from different countries. Researchers, scientists, and academics interested in the diverse facets of materials science and its applications may find the Int. J. Act. Mat. to be a valuable resource for staying updated on the latest research and developments in the material science and engineering.

Section Policies

Int. J. Act. Mat. accepts papers presented at the International seminar.

Open Submissions

Research Articles

Research articles contain original research results

 Open Submissions


This review section is only provided to the author who received an invitation from the editor to write a review

Open Submissions

Short Communication

Open Submissions


All manuscript in this journal is licensed under CC BY-SA Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.